Mistakes in Estimating Damage by Your Insurance Company, May Cost You a Fortune

Your insurance company hires a professional, called an independent adjuster. This adjuster solely represents the interest of your insurance carrier. The name containing the word independent is a bit confusing to most filing insurance claims. The name should be confusing, in that the independent adjuster is only independent from your interest.

As your insurance carrier's independent adjuster looks over your home or business to assess the damage, he/she will often miss critical items. These mistakes in estimating damage by your insurance company can cost you time and money.

"The problem with letting your insurance company be the only one assessing the insured damage to your home or business can be solved by working with a Public Adjusting firm like ours. The old saying that two heads are better than one is true, especially when, as your Public Adjuster, we are representing you, not the insurance company." Marc Lancaric - Public Adjuster & President of Global Patriot Adjusters.

Mistakes happen on all fronts when assessing damage to a property. We have noted, time and again, our team approach brings to light key details which removes the Mistakes in Estimating damage by your Insurance Company.

Common Errors:

  • Like Kind and Quality Valuations - Grade of Cabinets, Carpets, Roofing, Trim & Appliance
  • Missing Code Oriented improvements that are mandated that law.
  • Missing items that are damaged, but cannot be seen without opening walls etc.
  • Missing contents that were damaged, but not recorded by the Insurance Carrier.
  • Electrical damages under the home, or in the attic.
  • Insulation Damages by water, not readily seen without investigation.
  • Water damages - due to inspections without water saturation testing equipment
  • Missing Asbestos, Lead, Water Damage conditions and costs.

Our estimation staff have decades of experience in estimating insurance covered property damage. In most cases, our estimation staff has worked more claims, for a longer time, than most of the insurance company independent adjusters we usually meet.

Mistakes in estimating damage by your insurance company are one of the many pitfalls in handling an insurance claim without a public adjuster. At Global Patriot Adjusters LLC, we never are paid for our services until we get you paid for your insured damage.

With years of experience, our ability to bring about quick action from your insurance carrier is our standard of operation.  Your insurance company does not have your best interest at heart.  We have a staff ready to personally handle every aspect of your claim.

Call us for a free no obligation consultation or for advice on how to proceed call 1-800-654-3041.