Warming - Watch for Ice Dam Damage - Public Adjuster NH, MA, VT, RI, CT

We are seeing a quick rise in Ice Dam Damage as the harsh cold gives way to more normal coldness.

Warming - Watch for Ice Dam Damage - Public Adjuster NH, MA, VT, RI, CT

"Ice Dams damage happens in the most elusive way! Most of these claims get larger by the minute because owners don't know they are having the issue until it has caused a great deal more damage.  For some reason, Ice Dam Damage Insurance Claims require us to stand tall for property owners... insurance companies tend to pay far too little for these claims before we do our pushing" Marc Lancaric - Public Adjuster & President of Global Patriot Adjusters, LLC.

Learn more about these types of claims here and call on us if Ice Dam Damage visits your business or home.

Global Patriot Adjusters settle Ice Dam Insurance Claims Quickly.

With years of experience, our ability to bring about quick action from your insurance carrier is our standard of operation.  Your insurance company does not have your best interest at heart.  We have a staff ready to personally handle every aspect of your claim.

Call us for a free no obligation consultation or for advice on how to proceed: 800-654-3041

Maximizing the Size of Your Insurance Claim -

Maximizing the Size of Your Insurance Claim

Maximizing the size of your insurance claim may mean properly valuing  or discovering the depth of the actual damage.

"Maximizing the size of your insurance claim is more of a science project than anything else.  We prove facts, and present them in a way the Insurance company will understand." - Marc Lancaric - Public Adjuster, President of Global Patriot Adjusters, LLC

Yesterday we met with an insurance adjuster for a claim in Nashua, NH. The adjuster sized the claim at $23,500.  We validated our estimate at $41,000 and settled the claim. That defines Maximizing the Size of Your Insurance Claim.

Earlier in the week were working on a Pipe Break claim in Hartford, CT. The Owner thought the claim was going to cost about $43,000 to repair due to a contractor visiting the property who "eye-balled" the estimated cost.    We produced a line by line estimate of the damage to the property to justify the entire claim. The actual claim value was $91,5000.

Early conversations with the Insurance Adjuster look positive for this amount.  The owner is actually getting an Advance for $15,000 this week due to our efforts.

While working with a business owner in Hopkinton, MA, we discovered a second pipe break which was missed by the carrier. The Pipe had lower pressure and had caused a slower release of damaging water.  We were able to inform the carrier and validate the additional damage.  

On commercial claims especially, Maximizing the Size of Your Insurance Claim mean assessing the damage and Loss of Use Policy provisions. The Pitfalls of handling an insurance claim can mean the loss of tens of thousands on the average loss.

Please Contact Global Patriot Adjusters to have us work on Maximizing the Size of Your Insurance Claim. 

With years of experience, our ability to bring about quick action from your insurance carrier is our standard of operation.  Your insurance company does not have your best interest at heart.  We have a staff ready to personally handle every aspect of your claim.

Call us for a free no obligation consultation or for advice on how to proceed: 800-654-3041.